How Is It Used?
Bleeding disorders or bone marrow diseases, such as leukemia, require the determination of the number of platelets present and/or their ability to function correctly.
When Is It Ordered?
A platelet count is often ordered as a part of a complete blood count, which may be done at an annual physical examination. It is almost always ordered when a patient has unexplained bruises or takes what appears to be an unusually long time to stop bleeding from a small cut or wound.
What Does The Test Result Mean?
In an adult, a normal count is about 150,000 to 450,000 platelets per microliter (x 10–6/Liter) of blood.
If platelet levels fall below 20,000 per microliter, spontaneous bleeding may occur and is considered a life-threatening risk. Patients who have a bone marrow disease, such as leukemia or another cancer in the bone marrow, often experience excessive bleeding due to a significantly decreased number of platelets (thrombocytopenia). As the number of cancer cells increases in the bone marrow, normal bone marrow cells are crowded out, resulting in fewer platelet-producing cells.
Low number of platelets may be seen in some patients with long-term bleeding problems (e.g., chronic bleeding stomach ulcers), thus reducing the supply of platelets. Decreased platelet counts may also be seen in patients with Gram-negative sepsis.
Individuals with an autoimmune disorder (such as lupus or idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura (ITP), where the body’s immune system creates antibodies that attack its own organs) can cause the destruction of platelets.
What Do I Need To Be Aware Of Concerning My Platelets If I Am Having Surgery?
Platelets survive about 8-10 days. If you ingest any aspirin products within this period before surgery, platelet function may be diminished, resulting in excessive bleeding. Consequently, surgery may be canceled.
Are There Signs Or Symptoms Of High Or Low Platelet Levels That I Should Pay Attention To?
Bruising for no apparent reason, bleeding from the nose, mouth, or rectum also without obvious injury, excessive or prolonged menstrual periods, or the inability to stop a small wound from bleeding within a reasonable period of time may indicate a platelet deficiency.
How Stable Are Platelet Counts?
Platelet counts can vary throughout the course of the day; however, counts are highest at midday. Under certain conditions, platelets may clump and falsely appear to be low in number.
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