Importance Of Health Screening
In an age where heart disease and cancer are top killers here in Singapore, early detection can make a difference between a relatively simple course of treatment or life threatening complications requiring lengthy and expensive hospital stays.
Health screening plays an important role in detecting traces of illness in its early stages. It is not just for high risk individuals or top executives but suitable for everyone.
Health Screening Packages In India
We Care India has specially arranged with established medical centres to provide International travelers a range of affordable health screening packages suitable for any age, sex or medical condition.
We Care India Health Screening offer you many advantages : -
Convenience : - There are 6 medical centres located throughout India for your medical check-up appointments.
Affordability : - Packages range from basic to comprehensive to suit any budget.
Comprehensive : - Detailed tests are available for almost any medical condition. Optional additional tests are also available at discounted rates.
Flexibility : - These packages are available in the mornings, from Mondays to Saturdays (Few centres open on Sundays too). Appointments with special requests such as afternoon screenings or female doctors are easily arranged.
Health Screening Plans :-
International and NRI Health Screening
Diamond Health Screening
Platinum Health Screening
Gold Health Screening
Stopover Health Screening Package
Customised Package
Health Screening Plans
Pre Marital Health Screening
Primary Health Screening
Executive Health Screening
Premier Health Screening
Senior Citizen Health Screening
For more information, medical assessment and medical quote
as email attachment to
Email : - info@wecareindia.com
Contact Center Tel. (+91) 9029304141 (10 am. To 8 pm. IST)
(Only for international patients seeking treatment in India)