Senior Citizen Health Screening
The health plan gives special attention to our senior members of society. Old age can be a burden at times, and we at We Care desire to help our respected elders through their difficult time, where even slight illness or injury could bring about unforeseen complications. This specially designed health plan includes a range of diagnostic tests and consultations, which provide a comprehensive health assessment and allow one to age gracefully!
Highlights : -
- Prostate evaluation for males
- Ovarian & uterine evaluation for females
- Special emphasis on old age disorders
Gold Health Screening
Pathology Tests |
Consultations |
DiagnosticTests |
Tests for Diabetes : -
Tests for Liver Disease : -
Tests for Heart Disease : -
Tests for Kidney Disease : -
[ * for males only, ** for females only ]
Price : - Available on Request.
For more information, medical assessment and medical quote
as email attachment to
Email : - info@wecareindia.com
Contact Center Tel. (+91) 9029304141 (10 am. To 8 pm. IST)
(Only for international patients seeking treatment in India)