BOTOX ® is a natural, purified protein that relaxes wrinkle-causing muscles creating a smooth, rejuvenated and more youthful appearance. It's a simple non-surgical procedure that smoothes the deep, persistent facial lines that develop over time.
The Procedure Involved In BOTOX ® Is :-
Application of local anesthesia : - This is a topical cream to be applied 1 hr before the treatment. This has to be repeated after every 15 minutes
Administration Of BOTOX ® : - Depending on area & extent of fine lines and muscle mass, units of BOTOX ® are injected
Fillers are basically injectable collagen, which help to fill in lines and creases. They are injected beneath the skin and use collagen to fill up the lines.Fillers are a safe, convenient way to reduce the signs of ageing.
At We Care Partner Skin Clinic We Administer 2 Types Of Fillers : -
- Restylane
- Perlane
The Procedure Involved In Fillers Is :-
- Application of local anesthesia : -This is a topical cream to be applied 1 hr before the treatment. This has to be repeated after every 15 minutes.
- Cleansing with alcohol swabs.
- Administration Of The Filler : - Depending on area & extent of fine lines and muscle mass, fillers are injected.
Non Surgical Facelift
As the skin matures and ages, the muscle tone of the face and neck are the first to get affected. Wrinkles, fine lines and bags under the eyes start forming. The skin starts looking dull and fatigued. The natural aging process coupled with today's stressful lifestyle, pollution and harsh sunlight have an adverse effect on the skin's tone and appearance.
Modern technology has now evolved a safe, effective, non-invasive method of restoring muscle tone and lifting sagging muscles with the Non surgical face-lift.
- Cleansing With The Soothing Cleansing Gel : -The face is cleansed using the Soothing cleansing gel.
- Infusing The Micro Current Through Probes : -The tiny micro currents impulses are delivered to the focus area to gently tone the sagging muscles, giving an overall rejuvenated , youthful look.
- Application Of Products : - After the service, a combination of products, which brighten the skin and improves skin tone are applied to your face. This helps in reversing the damage caused by the ageing process. This reinforced nourishing action rejuvenates, refines and revitalises your skin.
Photo Facial
Your skin is exposed to harsh UV radiation and is more prone to tanning and sun-damage day in and day out. Coupled with the ageing process, this results in a slow down of the collagen production. Early signs of ageing i.e fine lines and wrinkles start to appear and your skin begins to age before its time. Your skin now needs help.
- Cleansing With The Soothing Cleansing Gel : - The face is cleansed using the soothing cleansing gel
- Application Of Cooling Gel : - A thin layer of cooling gel is applied on the face /neck
- Treatment Of Laser Light : - The face/neck is then treated with Laser light, with appropriate fluence & pulse rate
Removal Of Cooling Gel
Application Products: After the service, a combination of products, which brighten the skin and improve skin tone are applied to your face. This helps in reversing the damage caused by the ageing process. This reinforced nourishing action rejuvenates, refines and revitalises your skin.
Sun-Spots, Skin-Tags, Warts Removal
Sun-spots are an undesirable byproduct of excessive sun exposure. They are smooth, flat black/brown elevated patches on the skin.
Skin-tagsare the small round or long growths on the skin that commonly appear on areas like the face, neck and arms.
Warts are the rough, black/brown mole-like growths on the skin that are caused by a virus. They are contagious and may spread to other areas on the body by touch if not attended to.
Peels One of the oldest and most popular ways of keeping one's skin looking young and healthy is with Glycolic peels.
Glycolic Peelsare made up of A.H.As (alphahydroxy acids)that are found naturally in sugar cane & fruit.
These are natural moisturizing agents, which easily penetrate the skin and can be used as an excellent deep cleansing peel as they increase the skin's performance by decreasing the build up of dead skin cells thereby allowing fresher skin cells to the surface.
Pigmentation And Scar Reduction Even as early as your 20's excessive tanning, and pigmentation can affect your skin so you need to constantly help your skin regain its natural radiance and clarity.
What Are Acne Scars ?
The enlargement and obstruction of sebaceous glands, causing acne, in the skin result in both physical and emotional scars. Marks and pits that are left behind once the acne is cleared are known as acne scars. Acne lesions should not be picked or squeezed by the patient. Squeezing forces infected material deeper into the skin, causing additional inflammation and possible scarring.
What Is Pigmentation ?
Sometimes your skin may appear darker, patchy or more discolored than normal. It's commonly caused by factors such as inherited tendencies, repeated unprotected exposure to the sun, use of certain cosmetics, skin allergies and hormonal changes. Such discoloration in the skin is called Hyper Pigmentation
How Does One Address The Skin Concerns Caused Due To Acne Scars And Pigmentation?
At We Care partner Skin Clinic , we recommend Peels for some, while others may benefit from deeper level of Skin Polishing & Brightening. A combination therapy may give good results based on the type & extent of the scars & pigmentation.
What Is A Deeper Level Of Skin Polishing & Brightening ?
Micro-Dermabrasion or a deeper level of Skin Polishing & Brightening is a subtle procedure where in a controlled flow of crystals is used to gently exfoliate the uppermost superficial dead layers of the skin and smoothing of acne scars. The result is vibrant and smooth skin.
What Are The Benefits Of This Treatment ?
- This service improves acne scars & blemishes regardless of skin type and color
- Smoothens skin texture & evens out skin tone
Not only does this service rid you off your scars but also your anxiety & embarrassment
For more information, medical assessment and medical quote
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Email : - info@wecareindia.com
Contact Center Tel. (+91) 9029304141 (10 am. To 8 pm. IST)
(Only for international patients seeking treatment in India)