What Steps Are Involved in Filling a Tooth ?
First, the dentist will numb the area around the tooth to be worked on with a local anesthetic. Next, a drill, air abrasion instrument or laser will be used to remove the decayed area. The choice of instrument depends on the individual dentist's comfort level, training, and investment in the particular piece of equipment as well as location and extent of the decay.
Dental Filling Materials
Today, you can choose from many different kinds of fillings. While each dental filling material has specific characteristics, it may be of some help to be able to compare them based on certain criteria.
Components |
: Copper, Zinc, Silver, Tin, and approximately 50% Mercury |
Types Available |
: bonded and non-bonded |
Uses |
: Back teeth |
Time Needed to Get Filling |
: One office visit |
Durability |
: 7+ years |
Advantages : -
- Strong, and will hold up under heavy chewing
- tend to be cheaper
Disadvantages : -
- Will not match color of your teeth
- Requires larger amount of tooth to be removed
- Not resistant to corrosion and tarnish
- Filling may stain tooth as corrosion sets in
- Non-bonded fillings will not stick to tooth
- Possible allergic reaction
Composite Resin
Components |
: Fine glass and plastic |
Types Available |
: Indirect and Direct. Indirect fillings are made by a lab, and then inserted into the tooth. Direct fillings are hardened in the office with a blue light. |
Uses |
: Front and other visible teeth. Composite is also used for inlays. Can also be used for fillings of almost any size. |
Time Needed to Get Filling |
: Indirect fillings will require two visits. Direct fillings can be done same day. |
Durability |
: 5+ years. |
Advantages : -
- Filling will match natural tooth colour.
- Will bond directly to tooth, which helps tooth remain stronger.
- Less tooth material needs to be removed than for amalgam fillings.
- Heat cured fillings tend to be stronger
- Can be used with other materials to improve certain features.
- Cheaper than gold fillings
Disadvantages : -
- More expensive than amalgam.
- May not last as long under long term chewing pressure
- Possible shrinkage during the filling process. This can increase risk of tooth cavities later on.
- Because composite must be filled in layers, process can take longer.
- May not last as long as amalgam when used for large fillings.
Glass Ionomer
Components |
: glass and acrylic. |
Uses |
: Fillings in front teeth, as well as in roots and around neck of teeth. Can be used when extensive decay is present, as well as for baby teeth. Many dentists also use this filling to cement inlays. |
Durability |
:Over five years. |
Advantages : -
- Resin and glass composite fillings tend to be stronger than traditional fillings
- Costs about as much as composite resin.
- May not require drilling.
- Ideal for small children.
- Releases fluoride, which helps reduce further tooth decay.
- Sticks well to tooth, thus reducing leakage and future decay issues.
Disadvantages : -
- Does not match colour of teeth as well as composite resin.
- Weaker than composite resin
- prone to fracture
- Needs to be applied in thin layers.
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