I nfertility is defined as the condition of inability of conceiving after a period of unprotected sex.This refer to the inability of an individual in contributing to conception, or female who are not able to get pregnant to full term. In many countries, condition of infertility is referred to as couple who has failed to conceive after 12 months of regular sexual intercourse without the use of contraception.
Infertility conditions is raised highly due to the problem with the fertility of the females , whereas other remaining is caused by the sperms disorders or unidentified factors.
As a result that have been analysed it gives a picture of infertility as follows:
- About 20% of the cases of infertility are due to the problem in man.
- About 40%-50% of cases of infertility are due to problem in females
- About 30%-40% of cases of infertility are due to the problems in both the partners.
Most of the cases of infertility are curable. Infertility can be caused by the fertility issues of one of the partner or due to both the partner.

Causes of infertility in female partner
There are multiple causes identified as the reason of fertility and approx. 33% of the total no. the cause of infertility is left unidentified. Various causes identified in female for the infertility are:
- Ovulation disorders
- Problem in the uterus or fallopian tubes
- Gene discovered by Scientists as a reason of infertility
- Medications
- Radiotherapy
- Illegal drugs
Causes of infertility in male partner
The causes which have been identified behind infertility in male partner are as follows:- Issues with semen which may include low sperm count, no sperm, low sperm mobility or abnormal sperm.
Diagnosing of infertility
When the couples face that they are not able to conceive even after trying for 12 months, they choose to visit their doctor who could help them. So for a couple if the female partner is older than then the age of 35 they should consult a doctors if they want to conceive. In females, the fertility power continue to decrease with age and therefore it is preferred for females to visit their doctors to diagnose the issues with their fertility so as to get the infertility problem solved in advance than delay.
An expert of infertility gives advice or suggest some of the best possible treatments which could help the couple with the issue of infertility. Many fertility tests are conducted so as to assess the causes of infertility for the intended couple.
So for the evaluation purpose, tests are conducted which may be expensive.
Infertility Tests for Men
Various infertility tests which are carried out for men to test the cause of infertility are as follows:
- General physical exam
- Semen analysis
- Blood test
- Ultrasound test
- Chlamydia test
Infertility Tests for Females
Various infertility tests which are carried out by the experts to figure out the issues with the fertility among females are as listed below:
- General physical exam
- Blood test
- Hysterosalpingography
- Laparoscopy
- Ovarian reserve testing
- Genetic testing
- Pelvic ultrasound
- Chlamydia test
- Thyroid function test
Infertility Treatment
Depending on the cause figured out behind the infertility for male and female partner, the treatment options can be suggested by the experts.
Fertility treatment for male and females depending on the cause of infertility that can be taken into account are as follows:
- Induction of ovulation for infertility
- Insemination with the help of IUI
- In vitro fertilization
- Egg donation or IVF using donor eggs
- Surgery for infertility
For details about IUI, IVF, Surgical procedure refer to their specific pages available within the site.