I VF Law and the ICMR guidelines being followed in India, makes the patients aware about Fertility Treatment in India
T here have been no restrictions in India for the infertile couples to undergo any sort of Fertility treatment. The fertility treatment offered in India may range from egg donation to artificial insemination. But still there are some lists of principles that are contained in IVF Law which needs to be followed to come up with legal approach to get the fertility treatment done.
T ill the time, there have been no specified procedure or process to have the detailed analysis of the extent the fertility treatment is successful. But still few of the principles, are there to govern the process of fertility treatment being carried out.
A ll the clinics and the gamete banks are encouraged to comply with the IVF law and the ICMR Guidelines so as to maintain information confidentiality of all the information related to the donors and the surrogate mothers.
To comply with the IVF Law and the ICMR guidelines following points needs to be taken care of:
- Make useful and adequate information available for the patients to have better understanding
- Assistance for the patients for letting them choose the best possible fertility treatment.
- Keeping the information about donors, recipients and donors all confidential. These information can be used only for the legal purposes and that too once the child is above the age of 18 years.
- Display of all the charges for the treatments in the clinic and properly communicated to all the patients and the family member accompanying them.
- Be transparent in its operations and the charges added for the treatment.