F rom the last few years, the freezing of eggs, sperms and there transfers have gain popularity and are being used in the treatments for fertility. Similar to these processes of cryopreservation, freezing of embryo is also done and these frozen embryos are transferred into the female body as and when required to increase the chances of pregnancy. This process of transferring the frozen embryo is referred to as Frozen Embryo Transfer.

What is Frozen Embryo Transfer?
Frozen Embryo Transfer is abbreviated as FET and is defined to be a cycle which involves the freezing of embryos received from the last IVF cycles or the donor egg cycle to be thawed and transferred into the females’ uterus.
The probability of having the embryos available for freezing largely depend on the age of the intended couple. Females with the age of 35 years or younger had high no of embryos available to be frozen when compared with the females of age 40 years and above.
Blastocyst implantation in an FET cycle
Costs of Frozen Embryo Transfer
This is only a average cost which is charged at We Care Health Services whereas it may differ depending on the treatment and care required by the patients. The cost charged on an average here is as follows:
- Approximately 48000Rs. Are charged for frozen embryo transfer
- Rs 240000 are charged for a complete FET , FET cycle
Success Rate of FET
Success rates of each and every treatment differs and as far as the FET is considered; it depends on the treatment being practiced over the case. Few treatments have low pregnancy rates and live birth from FET cycles whereas in some cases, live birth rate is above 50% each transfer for women if they are under the age of 35 years.
To know about pregnancy success rates for IVF treatment, patient can do the following:
- Check with CDC results for the relevant fertility program for FET.
- Consult with the doctor and ask every relevant question to have a clear insight of the treatment and success result.