Asian Egg Donor
M ost of the intended parents from the Asian origin, finds it difficult to figure out the egg donor who facilitates the additional challenge of matching the requirements of the parents with the egg donor form the similar culture and the blood type .
M odern families of the arena are looking outside for the third parties reproductions which are provided with the Asian prospective parents with the opportunity. The egg donors are willing to help the intended donors to find the ideal egg donor. We at We Care Health Services are sensitive towards the needs of the intended parents and want them to be provided with the best facility.
Difficulty in Finding Asian Egg Donor
V ery straight forward and stiff requirements are provided by the intended parents about the egg donors they are required with. The more difficult and stiff requirements are, the more it becomes difficult for the staff to find the ideal egg donor. We make it a priority to add the specific heritage and the blood type as an initial requirement to be added in the list of the qualification of the eligible egg donor.

Where can I find the egg donor?
The egg donors are found from the database which is maintained by the agencies we have contact with. The agencies build a database of all the egg donors and the relevant donor who satisfies the requirements of the intended parents are shortlisted. Further to this, the intended parents select an ideal donor from those shortlisted egg donors. The egg donor is then informed and all the travel documents are made and the donor travel to India.
The intended parents are also made aware to directly discuss their search, in particular with the staff if they require any of the additional information about the egg donors.
Will the Asian Egg donor requires higher fee?
Asian egg donors comparatively charge higher when compared with the other egg donors. Egg donor compensation of the Asian egg donors ranges from $4000 to $ 10000. This fee may get higher when the egg donors selected have also donated their eggs in the past. The egg donors who have previously donated are high in demand and therefore they charge higher to the fresh candidate of egg donation. Some of the egg donors also have exceptional qualities and due to these exceptions also they charge higher. As per the specific requirements from the Asian egg donors by the Asian intended parents, the charges for the IVF Treatment with Asian Egg Donor are higher.
Finding Asian Egg Donor
Asian Egg donors can be found by the intended parents by writing up their requirements to We Care Health Services either through mail or by form. With respect to the requirements, the egg donor can be searched in the database available with us and made available for the IVF Cycle with Asian egg donors to the intended parents.