What is Vinotherapy ?
The theory behind wine therapy lies in the essence of the grape. The seeds, skin and leaves of the red grape contain antocyanosides, polyphenols and procyanidols. Vinotherapy provides numerous properties for skin, especially rejuvenating properties. Wine contains a high level of active components and polyphenols that make it an essential ingredient in antioxidant and anti-aging Spa programmes. It prevents the formation of free radicals and delays the appearance of aging signs.
This treatment recovers the ancient Mediterranean tradition for grapes and transforms it in a unique treatment: It is an extremely powerful antioxidant, it moisturises and nourishes, improves circulation and stimulates collagen and elastin formation. This treatments uses products with a high content of premium quality wine, grape extract and grape seed oil, with flavonoids, catequins and tannins, phytoestrogens, alpha-hydroxy acids, vitamins E and B, linoleic and linolenic acid, essential fatty acids, and minerals.
Welcome : - Before starting the treatment, it is recommended to give an atmosphere to the cabin with the aroma diffuser and a few drops of a relaxing essential oil or 8 drops of LAVENDER EO. Use indirect light or candlelight, and play soft ambient music. To receive the customer, a welcome tea or coffee can be offered.Toning And Skin Preparation : - With the customer in supine position, spray the entire body with Thermal Aqua and perform a gentle unblocking of legs and arms. Apply a warm wet cloth with 3 drops of BERGAMOT EO on the face for 5 mins. c: 10 mins.
Exfoliation : - According to the customer needs, the most appropriate salts and oils peeling can be applied. For this treatment, Lemon Peeling Salt is recommended. Place 3 spatulas of product in a bowl and stir to mix the salts well with the oil. Apply the peeling over the entire body, directly with your hand, starting to work on the feet. Work alternating both hands, with frictions and digital movements, encouraging the activation of microcirculation and to increase cellular oxygenation.
It is necessary to work on the product until maximum absorption is achieved. Salt excess needs to be removed using a dry towel without eliminating the oil to allow the penetration of the active principles and their absorption in the skin. Perform the same operation (toning+exfoliation) in prone position. Exfoliation total time: 20 minutes.
Mask Application : - Mix 250g of Vinotherapy Mask in a bowl with 5ml of Therapy Natur Oil until a homogeneous paste is obtained. Heat up this paste in the microwave for 2 minutes at low temperature.
Spread the mixture with your hands over the entire body. Start on the back and move on towards the legs and arms using relaxing massage strokes. The singularity of this mask is its elasticity and texture that allows its application as a massage. Heating it up before its application further elastifies its texture.
Always check before application that it is warm but not burning hot. If aromatherapy is often used in treatments, instead of mixing the mask with Therapy Natur Oil, it should be mixed with 4 drops of Rosemary EO, 4 drops of Orange and 4 drops of Geranium, once the mask has been heated up.
After the 20 minutes of massage, leave to rest a further 15 minutes, covering the customer with Raisa paper or a sweating cloth. The mask provides a deep feeling of warmth and relaxation, while the active principles penetrate the skin and work on it. Total application and mask exposition time: 30 minutes.
Treatment Conclusion : - Once the facial treatment has been completed, open up the wrapping and remove the body mask using towels wet in water. Start with the customer in supine position. If a shower is available, it is now time to clean up the cabin, change the sheets and set the cabin up to finish the treatment.
Perform a deep and tension-relieving massage with Vinotherapy Cream. 2 drops of ROSEMARY EO and 2 drops of LAVENDER EO can be added to the cream. On the face, neck and chest, the Yogurt Cream or the Honey Cream (Sweet Nectar) can be used for this massage. It is important to perform a head and hair massage to ensure complete relaxation. Massage time: 30 mins.
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