ysteroscopy is the procedure being done for the treatment of the problems with the uterus. Hysteroscopy is basically of two types that are Diagnostic Hysteroscopy and Operative Hysteroscopy. Here we are concerned with the Operative Hysteroscopy. Operative hysteroscopy is defined as the procedure used for finding the problems with the uterus and is further concerned with their treatment. During this treatment the endoscopic optical lens is inserted through the cervix into the endometrial cavity for the giving the direction to the treatment of operative hysteroscopy.
his operative hysteroscopy in some of the cases is used to remove the growths of the uterus in order to overcome the problem of abnormal bleeding or some of the other fertility problems.

Symptoms after this procedure

Treatment of the problems with the uterus
Operative hysteroscopy
- One suffers from the regular cramps or the vaginal bleedings too in some cases for several days while they undergo this procedure.
- Gas pains or belly bloating when the uterus is filled with air during the course of the procedure
- Watery vaginal discharge, when the uterus is filled with the liquid during the procedure.
These symptoms last for only 1 or 2 days.
Techniques of the operative hysteroscopy
Insertion of telescope
The telescope is inserted into the operative sheath or the resectoscope sheath. This respective sheath is filled up with the distention media similar to diagnostic hysteroscopy and a light cable is attached to it.
Dilation of cervical canal
The dilation is done for the cervical canal with the help of the dilators either Pratt or Hegars dilators. The process of dilation is done until a stage till the operative sheath gets a negotiably tight passage through the cervix.
Insertion of hysteroscope
The hysteroscope insertion is carried out into the cavity of the uterine under the direct vision of the experts.
Scanning of the uterine cavity
The cavity of the uterine is scanned in order to note down the landmarks that may include tubal Ostia, proximity of the internal OS etc.
In case the vision is into crystal clear due to the wreckage present, the uterine cavity is flushed with the fluid till a clear vision is obtained.
Although, an unclear vision can act as an assistant in carrying out the laproscopy so as to provide a view of the surface of the uterus for providing the assurance against inadvertent perforation.
Taking Care At Your Home
The person who has undergone this procedure can take care of one’s own health after the discharge from the hospital by doing very simple day to day activities. These activities can be spread across the categories like activity, diet, etc. The detail is as below:
- Have rest as and when your body feels exhausted.
- Have enough sleep
- Consult the experts about birth control
- Eat healthy and nutritious food. Avoid junk food.
- Avoid the conditions of constipation and straining against the bowel movements. Although irregular bowel movements is quite often after this procedure.
- Have fibre supplements in order to improve the bowel movements.