2-3 % of newborns are born with congenital anomalies (birth defect). The vast majority of them are correctable. However it is important to appreciate that the first chance is the only chance.
At our unit we have a team of specialized surgeons to treat various defects of the newly born including Pediatric Cardiac Surgery, Orthopaedic, Urologist, Neurologist.
Neonatal surgical conditions which are best managed by pediatric surgeons include (in alphabetical order):
2. Biliary atresia and choledochal cyst
3. Cloacal exstrophy
4. Conjoined twins
5. Cystic adenomatoid malformation of the lung and other types of bronchogenic cysts
6. Cystic hygroma and other neck masses
7. Diaphragmatic hernia
8. Duplication cysts and mesenteric cysts
9. Esophageal atresia with or without TE fistula (TEF)
10. Gastroesophageal reflux and hiatal hernia
11. Hirschsprung's disease (megacolon)
12. Hydrometrocolpos and imperforate hymen
13. Imperforate anus including persistent cloaca
14. Inguinal hernias
15. Intestinal obstruction including duodenal atresia, annular pancreas, malrotation, midgut volvulus, intestinal atresia, meconium ileus and meconium peritonitis
16. Necrotizing enterocolitis
17. Ovarian cysts
18. Pyloric stenosis
19. Ribcage and sternal deformities
20. Teratoma (sacrococcygeal) and other tumors of the newborn
21. Umbilical anomalies including hernia, patent urachus, patent omphalo-mesenteric duct
22. Undescended testes
For more information, medical assessment and medical quote
as email attachment to
Email : - info@wecareindia.com
Contact Center Tel. (+91) 9029304141 (10 am. To 8 pm. IST)
(Only for international patients seeking treatment in India)