Pediatric Endoscopy Procedures
Endoscopy means looking inside and refers to looking inside the human body for medical reasons. Endoscopy, using a borescope, is also used in engineering and techical situations such as the inspection of nuclear fuel elements, aircraft or engines where direct line-of-sight observation is not feasible. The instrument used is called an endoscope..
Pediatric Endoscopy
The establishment of the Pediatric Endoscopy Section of the We Care India partner hospital to offer another first in India. This Section was the first Pediatric Endoscopy Section, offering the most comprehensive array of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions for infants and children.
We Care India partner hospital takes special concern for the treatment of pediatric diseases, with specialists trained in the operation of highly advanced diagnostic and therapeutic equipment for delicate procedures such as upper gastrointestinal endoscopy, colonoscopy, and sigmoidoscopy with biopsies.
ENDOSCOPY examination of the inside of an organ or body cavity using a fiberoptic instrument. The report should describe the condition of the organ with reference to swelling, blockage, lesions, growths, and other abnormalities.
Key words/possible involvement: mass or lesion visualized in the opening, or if a biopsy via the endoscope yields a diagnosis of malignancy, fixation; stricture, polyp, adenoma, lesion, neoplasm, malignancy. Other words/no involvement: no abnormalities visualized during the examination , no strictures or foreign bodies; inflammatory process, foreign bodies, abscess, infectious process, or other benign conditions. Key information: largest size of tumor, gross description of tumor, presence of multiple tumors, degree of induration of ureteric wall, extension outside of organ (kidney or ureter).
BRONCHOSCOPY endoscopic visualization of the trachea and mainstem and lobar bronchi to evaluate invasion from lung or from esophagus, using a lighted tube inserted into the lungs through the mouth. Key words/possible involvement: mass or lesion visualized in the bronchial tree, or if a biopsy via the bronchoscope yields a diagnosis of malignancy.
Other words/no involvement: no abnormalities visualized during the examination
COLONOSCOPY examination of the large intestine using a fiberoptic instrument. The report should describe the condition of the colon in the cecum, ascending, hepatic flexure, transverse, splenic flexure, and descending portions of the colon, in addition to the sigmoid and rectum.
Colonoscopy generally examines the colon to a level of 60 cm or higher. Key words/possible involvement: stricture, polyps, villous adenoma, lesion, neoplasm, malignancy. Other words/no involvement: diverticulosis, megacolon, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, inflammatory process, foreign bodies, abscess, or infectious process, or other benign conditions. Words indicating unsatisfactory procedure: not satisfactory due to residual fecal material in the colon or incomplete preparation of the colon.
COLPOSCOPY examination of the vagina and cervix through a colposcope, an instrument containing a magnifying lens that is inserted into the vagina.
Key words/possible involvement: lesion, tumor, leukoplakia, whitish areas of epithelium, gray area, area of discoloration, bleeding, mosaic pattern, mosaic staining, Toluidine staining, Iodine staining, irregular blood vessels, infiltrated patches, atypical epithelium, abnormal epithelium, suspicious lesion, neoplasm, malignancy, ulceration, exophytic lesion, infiltration.
NASOPHARYNGOSCOPY endoscopic visualization of the nasopharynx and pharynx to evaluate region for primary or secondary malignancy.
PERITONEOSCOPY endoscopic examination of the peritoneum. Key words/possible involvement: mass, lesion, abnormal lymph nodes, nodules, encasement, frozen pelvis, matted organs.
Other words/no involvement: no abnormalities visualized during the examination; adhesions.
PROCTOSIGMOIDOSCOPY examination of the lower portion of the large intestine (sigmoid and rectum) using a fiberoptic instrument. Also called: proctoscopy, sigmoidoscopy. Proctosigmoidoscopy generally describes the condition of the lower colon to a level of 12 inches or 31 cm., or to 60 cm, depending on the instrument used. Key words/possible involvement: stricture, polyps, villous adenoma, lesion, neoplasm, malignancy, invasion of rectal mucosa, extension of tumor into rectal wall.
Other words/no involvement: diverticulosis, megacolon, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, inflammatory process, foreign bodies, abscess, or infectious process, or other benign conditions. Words indicating unsatisfactory procedure: not satisfactory due to residual fecal material in the colon or incomplete preparation of the colon.
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