Vedic Tradition
The Vedic background of India's religious traditions is a lively topic of debate. Although the origin of this tradition is uncertain, its influence is apparent.Hinduism


An ancient ascetical tradition, Jainism is a tradition that also has monastic and non-monastic followers. Unlike Buddhism, Jains did not usually travel outside of India. Today there are approximately 4 million Jains, all except 200,000 are in India.Islam
Dating back to the 7th century, this tradition is a "religion of the book". The Qur'an of Islam is considered the full and final revelation of the One Creator to the last prophet Muhammed. It is arguably the most populous religious tradition in the world today.Sikhism


Namaskar or Namaste, is the most popular form of greeting in India. Both palms are brought together and raised just below the face. It is a salutation of welcoming and bidding farewell. The joined palms symbolize one mind. The right hand represents higher nature, and the left hand represents worldly or lower nature.Mehndi

This temporary tattoo is safe, painless, completely natural, and non-toxic. It is created by grounding henna plants and mixing with hot water. This paste is then traced in a design on the desired body part. A solution of lemon juice and sugar is applied to the drying mehndi to "set it".
Originating in ancient Egypt, mehndi has been made popular by many of today's celebrities. Now a craze for men as well as women, mehndi can be seen all over the body in an array of colors.

Considered a symbol of the Goddess Parvati, this traditionally red dot between the eyebrows of women, signifies female energy and is believed to offer protection for the woman and her husband. Originally a symbol of marriage, it is now a decorative worn also by unmarried girls and women.For more information, medical assessment and medical quote
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