Indian Egg donors
Egg donors are found all over the world
E gg donors are found all over the world and in this context as We Care Health Services is located in India, numerous Indian egg donors are found. In many of the cases, the couples are infertile and are incapable of producing the eggs and being fertilized by the sperms. Therefore in order to preserve their fertility for future, the eggs are donated and stored to be used for future use when good quality eggs are not produced.
A ll the donors of India are examined to diagnose their health and prepare them for the medications to undergo egg donation successfully. The egg donor basically falls within the age group of 18 to 35 years to donate a health egg to be used for future. Various medical tests which include blood test, ultrasound etc. is carried out before the egg donor becomes a certified donor and is declared fit for donation of eggs.

The identities of all the egg donors whether it may be Indian, Australian or any others are preserved to maintain the confidentiality. And the intended couples select the respective egg donor as per their preferences. Once the egg donor is selected by the couple and all the contracts are signed, all the procedures are continued and the guidance is given to the patients through each stage of egg donation procedure.
During the complete procedure, the intended couple can realize how their dream is getting fulfilled and they are now going to be parent of new life after the procedure. In terms to safeguard from all the legal concerns the contracts are signed in advance from both the egg donor and the intended couples. Further, in regards to any concern related to social and legal issues, the legal experts of We Care Health Services are there to help.
The list of all the egg donors are maintained by the administrative staff and a database is kept to have all the detail related to the egg donors, the intended couples who has selected the respective egg donor. This list maintains all the record which can be used in the future for any legal requirement whereas the details are not shared with any other individual of the center or any unknown.